Community Resources
HEALing Communities Study
Medications for opioid use disorder save lives
Carry naloxone. Help save a life.
Find Help in Athens County, Ohio
Opioid use disorder and addiction are treatable
Stand up to stigma
Ohio Regional Helpline
Needle Exchange Bloodborne Pathogen Risk Reduction Program
Wednesdays, 1-3 pm
Obtain clean needles at no cost (1 for 1, up to 20)
No appointment necessary
Athens City-County Health Department
278 West Union Street
Athens, OH 45701
Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided with Naloxone/Narcan)
Available at no cost from the Athens City-County Health Department
Serenity Grove
The goal of Serenity Grove is to maintain a sober living home in Athens County for women who are in early recovery from addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. Serenity Grove offers residential living in a safe, secure, and sober environment for up to eight women dedicated to the eventual goal of transitioning back into independent living with the skills necessary to live free of drugs and alcohol.
John W. Clem Recovery House
The purpose is to bring male alcoholics and drug addicts into recovery and to assist them becoming sober, productive members of the community. This involves providing a safe haven free of drugs and alcohol, supporting healthy lifestyles, creating opportunities for meaningful change, providing guidance and advice, and assisting our residents in finding jobs.
Prosecutor Blackburn's Vivitrol Program
740.592.3208, reuben.kittle@athenscountyprosecutor.org
The Vivitrol Program is administered and run through the Athens County Prosecutor's Office with the partnership of Health Recovery Services, The Athens County Common Pleas Court, local 317 Board, SEORJ, Athens Adult Parole Authority and Hopewell Health.
Participants are opiate based addicts or alcohol dependent.
Vivitrol (Naltrexone) is indicated for the prevention of relapse to opioid dependence, following opioid detoxification.
Participants do not have to be adjudicated or convicted of any crimes to take advantage of this program; Prosecutor Blackburn believes all individuals who want help, should get help, and overcome their addiction.
Local Narcotics Anonymous
Rural Women's Recovery Program
This program follows a gender-specific treatment model that focuses not only on alcohol and other drugs of abuse, but it also encourages women to examine the root causes of their use. The program provides educational groups that focus on the biological, psychological, social and spiritual factors of addiction.
Ohio University's Collegiate Recovery Community
R.I.S.E. (Recovery to Inspire, Share, and Empower) provides resources to students in recovery, students seeking recovery, and students impacted by the addiction of a friend or loved one. Open support meetings are held every Friday during the academic year from 3 - 4 p.m. in Baker 321.
Health Recovery Services
HRS offers both outpatient and residential treatment options for consumers. All outpatient sites offer alcohol, drug, and mental health services, individual group counseling, case management and gambling screenings.
Bassett House
Prospective clients are boys ages 13 to 17 who are experiencing severe alcohol and drug problems due to their use and are willing to evaluate the seriousness of the abuse.